Then my other main press, is my letterpress printer. Its a Vicobold, which were made in the UK by Frank F Pershke. This printer dates back to the 1920’s and weighs just under half a ton! Lettepress printers aren’t manufactured anymore, so to be able to get your hands on one you have to wait until one comes on the market. This press works in a similar way to my hot foil press however instead of foil, I ink up this press by hand. There’s a main rotating cyclinder, plus 6 other rollers that all work together to distribute a thin layer of ink across them all, plus your photopoylmer printing plate.
Then in the same way as my hot foil press, I also hand feed each piece of paper into bed of the press and then this gets pushed into the inked surface of the photopolymer printing plate. Leaving a beautiful tactile impression of the design into the surface of the paper. Then this piece of paper is removed and I feed the next piece in and repeat until all the stationery is printed.